Be Determined If you asked 100 people to make a list of the top 10 characteristics of the most successful people, Determination would appear on almost every single one. From driving a ball towards a goal in just about any sport, to getting homework done in time to play, Determination is constantly being tested in the […]
Each month at Legacy, we spend about 3 minutes of every kids’ class discussing our Character Skill of the Month. This month, the focus is responsibility. Martial Arts is the most amazing sport for teaching students of all ages about responsibility. It’s a solo sport, meaning that each student is responsible for his or her […]
The Martial Mentor is back! And WOW did some things happen over the past few months! You need this article; we all do right now. Whether you’re a business owner, a parent, a student of Martial Arts, or just someone that stumbled across this, this post is for you. The focus? How to turn a Crisis into an opportunity for Greatness. […]
It Takes a Village to Raise a Child — African Proverb — Blog by The Martial Mentor, Chris Take a moment and think of 3 people that had a huge impact on your life. Got them? Chances are, you didn’t think of your parents. Parents were a massive part of your childhood; you wouldn’t be […]